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ICT DAY – Create a connection

16 december

13:00 – 17.30 uur

Taal: Engels

Samenwerking Noord & Business Innovation Groningen

ICT DAY 2020 is an (English) hybrid ICT network event where students and organizations from different sectors come together to discuss the importance of data and IT. ICT DAY – create a connection is an initiative of Samenwerking Noord and Business Innovation Groningen, who are joining forces to create the event of the year.

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Over dit event

By means of a ‘Jinek-like’ setting, various IT organizations and students will discuss hot topics and trends in the field of IT with each other. This will happen under the leadership of the expert day chair, Judith de Bruijn. The students play a major role in this. They can submit their questions and comments live and participate in the discussion about the topic. The following organizations will participate during the table discussion: CGI, Norisk IT and NDC Mediagroup. Besides, the Financial Intelligence and Investigation Service will give a lecture about IT-driven crime prevention and a number of interesting organizations will provide workshops .The afternoon will be concluded with an online networking drink in which students and organizations can ask questions and get to know each other better. In short, an interactive day in which organizations and students meet and share valuable information.


13:00- 13:15 Kick-off
13:15- 14:00 Freek and Dennis from FIOD come and talk about IT-driven crime prevention
14:00- 15:00 Workshops given by organizations
15:00- 16:00 Tabletalk where the theme “Data-driven society” is central
16:00- 16:30 Honours student Jeroen Lammersma about new study-material and interesting schoolprojects
16:30- 17:30 Online networking


Judith de Bruin
Judith de Bruijn works as a chair of the day at conferences and events, as a facilitator of working conferences and team sessions and as a presentation trainer. Between 1987 and 2001 she presented television programs for international, local and national broadcasters. After 2001 she retired from television and started her own company.

The Financial (tax) Intelligence and Investigation Service (FIOD) is the investigative arm of the tax authorities, also known as the tax police. For many years, the FIOD has been involved in combating crimes and abuses concerning taxes. They have the same powers as the police. The investigations conducted on behalf of the FIOD focus on financial fraud such as tax evasion, money laundering and corruption, but also, for example, smuggling and trafficking in counterfeit clothing or semi-manufactured synthetic drugs. (Next paragraph) The speakers on behalf of the FIOD are Dennis and Freek for ICT day 2020. Dennis and Freek are experts in forensic IT within the FIOD. This is done by means of Tooling / Python, OSINT, data collection, IP taps, research in the cloud, artificial intelligence and data analyzes. For ICT day 2020, the FIOD talks about a data-driven society and what role it plays in this.


ilionx is an IT service provider that helps organizations to stay ahead. Since its foundation in 2002, ilionx has supported its customers as a digital partner in areas such as artificial intelligence, management consultancy, business analytics, cloud, mobile, security and professional services. ilionx offers specialist knowledge, is agile and flexible and has the strength and scale to successfully implement large projects. This has already led to many successful projects for healthcare institutions, local authorities and companies, such as NN, KLM, UMCG, ABN AMRO, Itho Daalderop, ASML, Sligro Food Group, KPN, VodafoneZiggo and various municipalities.

ICT Partners helps organizations to be successful with their ICT. We design, implement and optimize ICT environments with the latest technologies, which contribute to continuity, stability and cost savings. We pay a lot of attention to the relationship between systems, processes and people, taking the social context into account. Everything revolves around renewal and improvement of the ICT infrastructure and the optimal organization of management. The result: lower management costs and increased labor productivity. It’s all connected.

Arriva is one of the leading providers of passenger transport in Europe, has more than 53,000 employees and carries out 2 billion trips per year in 14 European countries.
Our services include local bus transport (on schedule and on demand); intercity buses for commuting; local, regional and national train services; trams and light rail; water buses, and non-emergency patient transport.

The RDW is the organization that takes care of the registration of motorized vehicles and driving licenses in the Netherlands. The RDW is an independent administrative body of the Dutch government. The RDW has 4 important assignments from the Dutch government:
• Admission: Admit vehicles and vehicle parts on the Dutch and European market.
• Supervision and control: Supervising companies recognized by the RDW and supervising the technical condition of vehicles.
• Registration and disclosure: Collecting, storing, editing and managing data about vehicles, their owners and vehicle documents and providing information to stakeholders about this data.
• Document issue: Issue documents required by vehicles or owners, such as vehicle registration certificates, driving licenses and the APK form.

We zijn nog druk bezig om het programma en de workshops invulling te geven. Check deze pagina regelmatig voor updates!

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